Phone or online consultation with a Traditional Chinese Medicine Registered Acupuncturist. Your practitioner will listen to your concerns, ask about your symptoms and health history and offer recommendations based on Chinese Medical knowledge. These may include dietary recommendations or a food plan, Western herbal medicine, self treatment techniques - such as ear seeds, cupping, gua sha - under the direction and supervision of your practitioner, tailored cultivation exercises such as qi gong, or other lifestyle guidance to assist you with your specific concerns.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is supported by research and utilized in clinical settings around the world. It is a holistic approach to healing, that takes into consideration all factors that may affect your health, not just the presenting symptom. It is a unique tool to help understand and treat your condition when there may otherwise seem to be no answers. TCM practitioners undergo a minimum of 4 – 5 years' intensive study in acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, anatomy & physiology, etiology & pathogenesis, and medical philosophy from both Eastern & Western perspectives, and are required to complete an undergraduate degree before being accepted into Chinese Medicine schools.
Conditions TCM is used for include (but is not limited to):
• Acute and chronic pain; pain from strain, injury, overuse or degenerative conditions
• Headaches & migraines
• Stress, irritability, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders
• Reproductive health
• Digestive health, food sensitivities
• Immunological & endocrine conditions
• Cardiovascular health
• Allergies and respiratory health
• Pre- and post-surgical support and healing
• Side effects of medications or other therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation
• Cosmetic acupuncture, weight management
• Addictions, relapse prevention, smoking cessation, and other lifestyle changes
Laurel Irons